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Supported by Tacoma Creates

Tree Stewards Training

Tree Stewards Training

Green Blocks and Branch out are Tacoma Tree Foundation programs, funded and bolstered by our partnership with the City of Tacoma’s Urban Forestry program. Funds for this project were provided by the City of Tacoma’s Community Tree Program

This FREE day-long training will include information on tree selection, planting, and pruning young trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to engage in their Tacoma neighborhood in tree planting and utilize our BRANCH OUT event. 

Up to 20 tree stewards will receive the skills they need to take local actions and engage with their communities about sustainability and stewardship. 

Snacks, light refreshments and lunch will be provided. Applications from the Tacoma Frontline Communities will be prioritized.

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Green Tacoma Day Lead-up event Tree Tour

Green Tacoma Day Lead-up event Tree Tour

Tree Tour at Wright Park (September 26th, 6:00 – 7:00pm)


Join certified arborists from the Green Tacoma Partnership for a tree tour where we will explore some of Wright Park’s most beautiful and unique trees! The tour will cover topics related to tree management in busy urban areas, climate change resiliency and impacts, pests and pathogens and more. Questions are welcomed and encouraged! The tour will be followed by an optional social gathering at Cider and Cedar (744 Market St., Tacoma, WA). Please RSVP here.

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Hilltop Neighborhood Walk

Hilltop Neighborhood Walk

Join us for a walk through Tacoma’s historically diverse and culturally vibrant Hilltop neighborhood. Our guides, Sarah Low, and Hilltop resident and TTF Board Vice-preseident, Luke Vannice, will guide us through the neighborhood with trees in mind, teach us how to identify tree species, and consider the connections between trees, sidewalks, yards, and community. We’ll also be sharing details on our spring planting project, Green Blocks: Hilltop. 

We will be walking approximately 2 miles. These walks usually take 1-1.5 hrs, depending on the group’s pace and conversation. Fall will be arriving, so make sure to check the weather and layer up! Bring comfortable shoes, sunscreen (if it’s sunny), and a water bottle in case you get thirsty. 

Meeting Point: Mi Centro | 1208 S 10th St, Tacoma, WA 98405

This program is possible thanks to Tacoma Creates.

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Fall Water-Wise Wandering with Steven Quick

Fall Water-Wise Wandering with Steven Quick

This walk will take folks through and around McKinley Park to appreciate the ways that urban trees improve our lives. Trees can help reduce urban temperatures by evaporating water and shading the area around them, and they also help reduce stormwater flooding and pollution. But how do urban trees respond to extreme heat? What does that mean for the services we depend on? The trees can help us understand before they depart for their winter slumber!

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Green Tacoma Day

Green Tacoma Day

What does restoring and caring for Tacoma's green spaces look like to you and your community? 

Join Tacoma Tree Foundation and community partners to explore family-centered activities and adopt trees to expand your home's green space.  Register as a volunteer to support the event or stop by on Green Tacoma Day with your friends and family to enjoy this local green space celebration! Check out the Green Tacoma Day website to sign up or learn more about how you can support green spaces in Tacoma.

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State of the Urban Forest 2024

State of the Urban Forest 2024

Join Tacoma Tree Foundation Executive Director, Lowell Wyse, to learn how we can seize this moment and grow our love of trees into a movement that sustains our region’s urban forests through the climate challenges of the 21st century. 

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TPCCLC Graduation Invitation

TPCCLC Graduation Invitation



Come celebration and support the 2024 Climate Leadership Cohort:



Mi Centro: 1208 S 10th St, Tacoma, WA 98405

Light refreshments will be provided.

Let us know you’re coming:

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Lincoln Resident Outreach Gathering

Lincoln Resident Outreach Gathering

Are you a Lincoln resident interested in supporting the outreach of Green Blocks: Lincoln and promoting trees in general! Either connecting with your neighbors, chatting with your church or school community or just learning more about Tacoma Tree Foundation and our mission - Join us!

Lincoln Community Outreach Gathering Tuesday Sept 3rd 5pm - 6pm at Whitman Elementary (on the corner of s K and s 39th st)

The entire family is welcome to join us to learn how to promote tree planting and care with a community centered approach. We'll have some snacks and Green Blocks/tree materials to share. Parking is limited, we also encourage walking, biking or carpooling. See you there!

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Tree Captains Training & Social

Tree Captains Training & Social

It's summertime and we're revving up for an amazing planting season this fall! Our programming is possible because of our dedicated and passionate TREE CAPTAINS! Please consider becoming a tree captain by attending our training or attend our Tree Captains Social for those who are trained!

Please click here to RSVP for these events

Tree Captains Training - August 29th 4:30-6 - Union Club (539 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402)
For our large planting events we train volunteers to become Tree Captains, who lead small volunteer groups to plant trees on private properties. If you're interested, please consider registering for this training. Women, femmes and folks of color are encouraged to register.  You'll learn how TTF implements large planting events, how to lead volunteers, engage residents and understand tree planting/utility guidelines. Veteran Tree Captains are welcome to attend as a refresher training and support the learning for others.

Tree Captains Social - August 29th 6:30-7:30 - Dusty's Hideaway Patio (723 E 34th St. Tacoma, WA 98405) 
Veteran TTF Tree Captains and newly trained alike are invited to attend our first ever Tree Captains social. Veteran Tree Captains will receive official Tree Captains Vests with a name tag for future planting events. Newly trained Tree Captains will receive these vests at their first tree planting event as a Tree Captain. Join us for a social hour together. While purchasing from Dusty's is not required to attend, it is a no-host event, so please come prepared to purchase your own drinks or snacks. TTF will bring swag, memories and so much love and appreciation!

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Lincoln Neighborhood Walk 

Lincoln Neighborhood Walk 

Join us for a neighborhood walk in Lincoln! We will begin our walk in Lincoln Park, which boasts a beautiful and diverse tree canopy. Then, we will wind through neighborhood blocks to learn about different street tree species and how tree benefits increase our wellness and grow community. We will also tell you all about our upcoming Green Blocks: Lincoln program. 

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Caminemos Juntos Bilingual Mindfulness Walks

Caminemos Juntos Bilingual Mindfulness Walks

Acompáñanos para celebrar los beneficios de caminar juntos en la naturaleza. Dos caminatas de atención plena a las 10:30 AM y a las 12 PM. Aprende cómo cuidarte y al medio ambiente en nuestras mesas informativas. ¡Todos serán bienvenidos! Regístrate en línea.

Join us to celebrate the benefits of walking together in nature! Two bilingual mindfulness walks. Walks will begin at 10: 30am and 12pm. Learn how to care for yourself and the environment at our tables.

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Taha Ebrahimi | Street Trees of Seattle

Taha Ebrahimi | Street Trees of Seattle

What happens when we learn to see our streets through trees? In Street Trees of Seattle, author Taha Ebrahimi’s hand drawn illustrations and extensive research show us how trees and their urban livelihood “represent a moment in time” in a city. Join us for a presentation and conversation with the writer at King’s Books.

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Pierce County Urban Heat Mapping

Pierce County Urban Heat Mapping


Sign up with a friend or family member to drive one day with a heat sensor!

This summer, Pierce County is doing an urban heat mapping project that will bring together local cities, organizations, and volunteers to produce heat maps. Do you know areas of cities with unshaded roads and buildings and low tree cover can be up to 20°F hotter than surrounding areas? You can learn more about urban heat island effect by staying involved. This community-based science project will be conducted by heat ambassadors like you and me!

TIME: 3 one-hour time slots in one day: Morning: 6:00 - 7:00 AM; Afternoon: 3:00 - 4:00 PM; Evening 7:00 - 8:00 PM. 

DATE: Primary Date: August 3rd and 4th (back-up). Secondary Date: August 10th and 11th (back-up).  Note: This urban heat mapping project is science-based. To effectively measure heat, the weather conditions must be as follows: Temperatures must be above 81F; No clouds; No marine layers; No precipitation. For this reason, and in consultation with weather experts, we chose Saturday, August 3rd as the primary date for this project with a backup date of Sunday, August 4th. If these two dates do not work, the secondary date will be Saturday, August 10th, and the backup would be Sunday, August 11th. On the form, you will be able to choose on which dates you can volunteer to do all morning, afternoon and evening time slots. Thank you for being flexible and willing to offer your time for this project!

MAPPING LOCATIONS: Lakewood, Midland-Parkland-Spanaway, Frederickson, South Hill, Bonney Lake, Puyallup, Fife, Sumner, Tehaleh, Lake Tapps, and Gig Harbor.

VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP FORM: Volunteer Register is closed (July 17th)

SOCIAL MEDIA HASHTAGS: #UrbanHeatIslandMaps2024 #capaheatwatch #PierceCountyIsSoHotRightNow #HeatEquity

PARTNERS: NIHHIS, CAPA strategies (Heat Watch), Tacoma Tree Foundation, Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, Pierce County Planning & Public Works, Pierce County Parks, City of Lakewood, City of Fife, City of Puyallup, City of Tacoma, Pierce Conservation District, The Nature Conservancy, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University Extension. Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Blue Zones Parkland, Springbrook Connections. (in no particular order)

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Music in the Park in Fife

Music in the Park in Fife

Parking: Event is held at the field behind the Columbia Middle School here in Fife, located at 2901 54th Ave E, Fife, WA 98424. I attached a screenshot of the event space below – bands perform in the middle of the field, and booths are set up along the southern edge of the track (blue box). The green box is where you can park for free.

Schedule: The event runs from 6-8PM, and the bands begin playing at 6:30. We will be set up there between 6:00-7:00PM to greet you.

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Making Comics in the Era of Climate Change

Making Comics in the Era of Climate Change

Making comics offers the opportunity to share our climate change stories by bringing text and image together. In this hands-on workshop with comics artist and media scholar, José Alaniz, we will learn how comics artists are making sense of climate change through their work, and create and share our experiences by making a strip of our own! 

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Lunch and Learn | Rooted: Urban Forestry in Focus

Lunch and Learn | Rooted: Urban Forestry in Focus

What is an urban forest? And what are the questions that arise when we set out to grow a city’s forest? In this lunch and learn webinar, Lisa Kenny, Community Trees Program Coordinator, will help us understand the intersection of trees across environmental and public health disciplines.

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Tree Stewards Training - Tacoma

Tree Stewards Training - Tacoma

Tree Stewards are community tree champions who help grow and protect Tacoma's urban tree canopy.

Do you care about Hilltop? Do you care about Tacoma? Would you like to help increase its tree canopy? 

As part of our Tacoma Creates program, the Tacoma Tree Foundation is offering a FREE Tree Stewards Training. This day-long training will include information on tree selection, planting, and pruning young trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to engage in the Hilltop or Tacoma tree planting and tree care event. 

Up to 20 tree stewards will receive the skills they need to take local actions and engage with their communities about sustainability and stewardship. 

Snacks, light refreshments and lunch will be provided. Please apply by June 7th.  Applications from the Tacoma Frontline Communities will be prioritized. 

Frontline Community Members are experiencing at least one of the following categories: 

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)

  • Speak English as a second language

  • Low household income

  • Ages 16-26 or 59+


  • Living with three or more generations in one home

  • Living with more than one family in one home

  • Living with a disability

  • Immigrant

  • Experiencing homelessness or housing instability

  • Completed formal education up to a high school/GED level

  • First or second-generation American

  • Experiencing food insecurity

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Potting Party

The Tacoma Tree Foundation and Pierce Conservation District are partnering to host a tree-potting party event, coming right up next Wednesday 5/22 from 11:15-4:30pm at Tacoma's Environmental Services' tree care facility.  We had over 1,200 donated trees that are currently in cold storage and need to get put in pots to be cared for over the summer till next planting season in the fall, so it's an "all hands on deck" situation. See info below and RSVP to support TTF and PCD—two ​outstanding local organizations that partner to put trees in the ground to help bring cooler temperatures to our communities, increase carbon absorption, and generally improve our environment


11:15 - Volunteers arrive for shuttle to nursery

11:30 - Welcome and Orientation

11:45 -1:00 pm - Potting

1:00 pm -  Lunch Break

1:30-4 - Potting (with breaks as needed)

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Forest Therapy Walk with Denise McDermott

Forest Therapy Walk with Denise McDermott

Join Denise McDermott (MSW, LICSW), Association of Nature and Forest Therapy licensed guide on a forest therapy walk in the NW Native Plant Garden. With her guidance, we will slow down and, through an evolving series of sensory-focused invitations, mindfully interact with the world around us. The guide holds space for every person to arrive at their unique relationship with the Earth in their own way while offering opportunities to witness our shared connection with the Earth as human people. 

This program is capped at 10

Dress for our ever-fluctuating Pacific Northwest weather.  Layers, umbrellas, hats, gloves, sunblock, raingear.  A backpack is not necessary.

Whatever would make you feel most comfortable. If it’s wet, I like to wear rain pants so that I can sit/kneel wherever I’d like without getting wet. Your car will be within one minute of where we are so that you can leave whatever you don’t need in the car.  

Denise McDermott, MSW, LICSW is a licensed therapist who has lived in the Puget Sound area for most of her life. After seeing positive results early on in her practice when working with clients in natural settings, she sought to create more ways to incorporate nature in all aspects of her practice and her life. She has found that a hike on Mt. Rainier or time spent watching a snail work its way around the rim of the birdbath can be equally rewarding when time is taken to notice with intention. Being trained and certified as a guide with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy has allowed Denise to further her connection with nature and she views guiding both groups and individuals in this practice as an honor and a gift.

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Managing Your Grounds

Managing Your Grounds

Managing your grounds and yard in tune with nature.  Permaculture and pesticide-free with Cascadia College and University of Washington Bothell. 

The joint campus of Cascadia College and University of Washington Bothell have been managed pesticide free since 2006 and contain a 58-acre restored wetland since its creation in 2000.  Now the campus is pushing the boundaries on what can be done for grounds and yard management, supporting pollinators and wildlife, reducing mowing, and working to maintain tree cover.  Come learn about these practices, and the pathways you can take to develop your own gardens and landscapes!


Stephan Classen is the Assistant Director of Sustainable Practices at Cascadia College, where he manages the sustainability bachelor's program, supports facilities and grounds management for sustainable practices, and works with partners to create programming and education activities, including with UW Bothell.  He was the Aquaculture Education Specialist for the Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center (PACRC) in Hilo, Hawai`i, and a Biological Technician for two national parks.  He received his Masters of Science in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science with a focus in aquaculture at the University of Hawai`i at Hilo, and his B.S. in Environmental Land and Water at the University of Arizona.

Tyson Kemper practices organic land care at the shared campus of University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia Community College.  He came of age in the garden working for his father’s small landscape business and later went on to earn a degree in Botany from the University of Washington and a master’s degree in Forest Resources from the University of Idaho.  This collective education provided Tyson opportunities to wander, observe, and learn from the wild spaces of the Pacific Northwest while working as an environmental consultant and later as a rare plant botanist for the Washington Natural Heritage Program.  Tyson has since come full circle and found his place beside the buttercups in the garden again. 

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Snake Lake Mindfulness Walk

Snake Lake Mindfulness Walk

Join us as we welcome spring in a mindfulness walk at Tacoma’s Nature Center Snake Lake. In this walk, Sarah Low will help us wake up to the sounds of spring by practicing mindfulness as we listen to the trees, the Park’s wildlife–herons, finches, wrens, juncos, crows, amphibians, and more!--our breathing, and silence. 

Bring comfortable shoes and dress according to the day’s forecast so you can enjoy the walk! No pets and no bikes allowed for the walk unfortunately. Feel free to request any accommodations if you need at the registration form. 

Meeting Point:  Tacoma Nature Center, 1919 South Tyler Street, Tacoma, WA 98405

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Grant Park to Reservoir Neighborhood Walk

Grant Park to Reservoir Neighborhood Walk

What can a walk from a park to a reservoir teach us about the relationship between trees, cities, and people? By connecting two apparently ordinary landmarks, this walk will help us make sense of the presence and absence of trees, about tree benefits, as well as the importance of cultivating native plants. Join Sarah Low and Alejandro Fernández on this bilingual walk through Hilltop and learn how to see your streets from a new perspective!

Remember to bring comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing so you can focus on enjoying the walk! 

Meeting Point: Grant Park on S. Grant Ave. 

¿Qué nos pueden enseñar un parque y un depósito de agua sobre la relación entre los árboles, la ciudad, y la gente? Sarah Low y Alejandro Fernández nos llevarán del parque al depósito de agua, dos sitios aparentemente ordinarios, para ayudarnos a entender cómo interpretar la ausencia y la presencia de los árboles, sus beneficios, y la importancia de cultivar plantas nativas. Acompáñanos en esta caminata bilingüe a través de Hilltop y aprende cómo ver las calles de tu barrio desde una nueva perspectiva.  

Recuerda portar zapatos cómodos y vestirte de acuerdo al pronóstico del tiempo.

Punto de encuentro: Grant Park sobre S. Grant Avenue

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Tree Share - Earth Day at Lincoln High School

Tree Share - Earth Day at Lincoln High School

Tacoma’s Lincoln Neighborhood is invited to join Lincoln High School’s Climate Change Club in celebrating Earth Day by sharing the gift of trees! Lincoln’s Climate Change Club members meet to discuss local climate change issues and tackle projects within the school and community.  Support this partnership between the Tacoma Tree Foundation and Lincoln High School students by taking home trees and greening Tacoma’s Lincoln neighborhood.

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Alling Park: Bilingual Neighborhood Walk

Alling Park: Bilingual Neighborhood Walk

Did you know Alling Park was once a fruit farm? In fact, the Alling family was the first to ship apples from Washington to China! Frank Alling, farm owner, also happened to be passionate about wildlife and was well aware of our depleted urban forest, which is one of the reasons why he donated 10 acres of his farm to Metro Parks.

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Bilingual Mindfulness Walk: China Lake Park

Bilingual Mindfulness Walk: China Lake Park

Join us as we welcome spring in a mindfulness walk at one of Tacoma’s wetlands, China Lake Park. In this walk, Sarah Low and Claudia Linares will help us wake up to the sounds of spring by practicing mindfulness as we listen to the trees, the Park’s wildlife–herons, finches, wrens, juncos, crows, amphibians, and more!--our breathing, and silence. 

Bring comfortable shoes and dress according to the day’s forecast so you can enjoy the walk! 

Meeting Point: South Shirley Street parking lot, just off of S 19th. 

Acompáñanos en esta caminata de conciencia plena. Le daremos la bienvenida a la primavera en China Lake Park, uno de los humedales de Tacoma. Aquí, Sarah Low y Claudia Linares nos ayudarán a despertar a los sonidos de la primavera mientras practicamos la conciencia plena. Escucharemos nuestra respiración y los sonidos de los árboles, de la vida silvestre del parque (grazas, pinzones, carrizos, juncos, cuervos, anfibios y más), y el silencio.   

Punto de encuentro: Estacionamiento de South Shirley St., a unos pasos de S 19th. 

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